Feb 3, 2009

updated May 7, 2009
Basic number Concept

1 Count us in Games: Early primary. Good for basic counting and concepts

Math Olympics: Grade 4+ .Answer 20 multiple choice questions correctly to win the Math Olympics. Topics range from basic computation and general math knowledge to word problems with percentages, ratios, and fractions.

Quia - Various Math Activities


1 Math lines game: Addition facts 0-15 (removed)
2 Basic addition drills - Timernator

3 Bugabaloo addition - early addition concepts
4 math man game (removed)
5 fruit shoot addition game
6 Penguin Party addition -easy and more challenging levels
7 Matching addition game - level one is facts to 30
8 Mahjong addition game - read instructions carefully. Fun!
9 A plus math- hidden picture addition


1 Subtraction Blast gr 1-4
2 Subtraction Drill -Timernator
3 Subtraction harvest game
4 fruit shoot subtraction game
5 Pearl Search subtraction game - easy and more challenging levels
6 Matching subtraction game - level one is facts 0-25
7 Mahjong subtraction game -read instructions carefully
8 Aplusmath -hidden picture - choose 'subtraction'

Place Value

1 Place value tutorial-lesson
2 Scooter Quest game- place value including tenths and hundredths

1 Basic multiplication drill - Timernator
2 multiplication facts
3 Matching multiplication game basic facts review-work your way up the levels.
4 fruit shoot multiplication game-various levels available
5 Stun Attack multiplication game-multiple levels available
6 Mahjong multiplication game - read instructions carefully-fun!
7 missing factors
8 2 digits by 1 digit
9 3 digits by 1 digit
10 digits by 2 digits
11 multiples game
12 number invaders game - instant recall of basic facts

13 Quick calculate game: integers gr. 6/7

14 factor tree-factor numbers using a tree diagram
15 multiplying with negative numbers
16 Aplusmath - hidden picture - choose 'multiplication' good for basic facts

17 Multiples Frenzy - shoot down multiples of a number as they appear on the screen.

1 Division drill - Timernator
2 basic division facts
3 Division matching game
4 division with remainders
5 number invaders game - instant recall of basic facts
6 fruit shoot division game -various levels available
7 Croc Doc division game - easy and more advanced levels
8 Mahjong division game - fun,but read instructions carefully
9 Aplusmath - hidden picture - choose 'division'. Good for basic facts review

1 simple fraction matching- conceptual
2 matching mixed fractions
3 equivalent fraction matching
4 balloon pop - compare fractions
5 addition of fractions: different denominators
6 subtraction of fractions: different denominators
7 multiplying fractions
8 dividing fractions
9 comparing fractions (greater, less, equal)
10 converting fractions to decimals
11 reducing fractions
12 improper fractions to mixed numbers
13 mixed numbers to improper fractions
14 finding fraction of a number (ex. What is 3/4 of 20?)
15 Converting fractions to percent

1 finding the part
2 finding the whole
3 finding the percent
4 Converting fractions to percent
5 percent shopping game-upper intermediate

1 name the polygon
2 Alien angles game -grade 5+
Practice estimating angles with this fun geometry game. It's not as easy as it looks.
3 What's my angle - activities using a protractor
4 Obtuse, acute and right angles game
5 Shape surveyor - area and perimeter
6 Shape explorer - area and perimeter
7 Measuring angles activity

Word problems:

1 math millionaire - various operations-intermediate

2 Math at the mall game-intermediate


1. What time is it? Matching analog to digital (hour and half hour)

2.Bang on time: stop the hands of the clock when it matches the words given.

3. Matching time: to the hour and half hour. Match the 5 digital clocks to the analogue clocks

4. Matching Time: to the quarter hour. Match the 5 digital clocks to the analogue ones-

Matching Time: to the 5 minute intervals: Match the 5 digital clocks to the analogue ones.

5. Just in Time: Time Quiz. Take a quiz and see how good you are. Hour and half hour

6. Just in Time: Time Quiz to the 5 minute intervals.

7. Telling time in different ways #1: matching digital to words.

7. Telling time in different ways #2: matching digital to words.

8. Rags to Riches game: Telling time with word problems, gr. 2-4

9. Analogue clock Time difference: What is the time difference between two clocks shown?

10. Write the time you see: Type in the time of the clock that appears.

11. Snapdragon: Set the hands of the clock to match the time. Very basic- gr. 1/2

12. Smiley clock: Each time you get an answer right, another part of the face is added. To 5 minute intervals.

13. Put the numbers on a clock face in the right position: for early grades.

Probability and Statistics

1. Mean, Medium, Mode #1

2. Mean, Medium, Mode #2

1 Making Change game: (american but good)
2. Change Maker - funbrain. Canadian money. Making change.
Teaching Videos
1 click here for the topics

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